Briarfield Academy

Students, parents, grandparents: this is where you can view, order, and/or download photos that I've taken throughout the school year. Your orders will be printed by a professional printing company and shipped directly to your door. The option to purchase and download the digital file directly to your phone or computer is also available for you within select galleries.

Click the link below and select "Briarfield Academy" to view all images related to school events.

If you have any questions, check the FAQs below or contact me here.

Briarfield Academy

view photo galleries


How do I purchase a photo?

Once you enter a gallery and click on the image you want to purchase, select the shopping cart icon in the top right-hand corner. Choose what items you want to add to your cart, and proceed to check out just as you would on your favorite online stores.

What is a digital download?

If you decide to purchase a digital download, you will have access to the full resolution image without a watermark. You will receive an email with a link to download your photo(s) to your computer, phone, tablet, etc. Please read the terms and conditions for further information on sharing and printing.

Can I post images to my social media accounts?

Images my be posted to personal social media accounts after the digital download has been purchased. Screenshots of watermarked images may not be shared to social media without photographer's consent. Please read the terms and conditions for purchase of a digital download for further information.